My blog and I go way back. Way, way, way back. I just peeked back at my first post in my earliest blog. It was June 2004.
Back in those days blogs weren't really a "thing". I had a website and I wanted to establish a mechanism for people to realize I was active but really didn't have any interest in doing regular content updates. So I created the blog.
In those early days it was just another html file, hanging off my website. Blog software like Wordpress or other platforms really didn't exist yet, but I knew enough about html to be able to add simple new text, embed photos, and generally say what I wanted to say and put it out there. I had no idea how far it reached or who would read it but that really wasn't the point.
Fast forward almost 20 years and there are all kinds of ways that people are sharing. Social media. Blogs. Video. Getting your message to the masses has become easier and cheaper than ever.
That said, I'm planning to get back to where I started. I've lost interest in most social media. I'm going to take a bit of a break. But I know me well enough to know I need an outlet to express my thoughts and feelings. So as of today, that outlet will be my blog. Again. :)