Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Just another day in the life.

Some of the energy that seems to have been fueling me in recent days has abated a bit today. Trying to predict energy is harder than trying to predict the weather but I think some of the same concepts applies. High pressure = good energy. Low pressure = low energy. Fronts come and go over the course of days and weeks and months - I'm sure somebody somewhere has written about this kind of stuff and I'm confident it's real.

Tonight I watched "The Blind Side". Again. The first time I saw it was in the theater the day after Thanksgiving last year. It was exactly the right movie with the right message at the right time. So, too, is it tonight. As energy goes down uplifting messages seem to have greater impact. Anyway - I enjoyed it almost as much tonight as I did the first time. :P

A heat wave bringing stifling triple digit heat to much of the east is making life uncomfortable there. We're used to it here, and the much maligned addendum "but it's a dry heat" really does prove to be a Godsend. Our temperatures are above 100 every day and stay that way until 10 or 11 at night. I can't tell you the last time it rained here but there's a chance of thunderstorms late Saturday. Supposedly. I'll believe it when I see it.

In the scheme of things, life has been pretty chill for me lately. For a while there it was major event after major event - wrestling, surgery, recovery, more wrestling, more recovery, traveling.... Now it's time to focus on more practical needs. It's a balance thing....

The big news in Arizona lately isn't the heat. It's the Immigration Law (HB1070) that's suppposed to go into effect later this month. There have been huge marches both opposing the law and supporting it in recent weeks. There is a boycott against the state (details here) because of it. Yesterday the federal government announced that it is (a) filing a lawsuit to prevent the law and (b) asking a judge to file an injunction to prevent it from going into affect (details here). It is expected to go all the way to the Supreme Court as a showdown of state rights vs. Federal power, and has become quite the contentious fight.

These kinds of entries are probably pretty boring to read but they're actually nice to write. It's just another day in the life along a path less traveled. Mundane. Uncomplicated. Like seasons it's important to make the most of the sunny days because the storms will eventually come. And make no mistake - they will.

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