Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Who Dat?

Who Dat?

Today is Tuesday.  It's that nether time between Thanksgiving and New Year that we commonly refer to as December.  How can it be December already??  Jeez.

My vast experience as a northeasterner involves memories of snow by now.  Tonight the thermometer in my car said that the temperature outside was 38 degrees but there were definite flakes of snow in my headlights.  It was our first bit of snow, and I'll admit that it was actually kinda nice.  I'll also admit that it was nicer than the inch of rain we had here today.  By and large, tho, the weather here recently has been wonderful.  I have no complaints at all in that regard.

It's hard to believe that today is the beginning of my second month on the job.  I'm still enjoying it, so that must mean something.  We've got a lot done in the last few weeks and there's a long way to go on this journey.

My brother called yesterday to tell me that Rush is coming to the area in April fand asked if I wanted to go.  Rush was the second band I ever saw play live (Jethro Tull was the first) way back in 1978 and I've seen them play a dozen times or so over the past 30 years.  Bro wrote today to say we got tickets in the 9th row dead center.  I'm already looking forward to it.

The reason I was out tonight is that I FINALLY made it to the fitness center.  A month ago I was in the what's probably the best shape of my life and lately I've been feeling like a big blob.  The difference is that I had the time to go to the gym for months and months and months, and lately I'm lucky to get there once a week.  That, and the constant eating out, Holiday fare, and general unhealthy eating end up taking a psychological toll.  I feel GREAT tonight after an hour at the gym, and am already planning on getting there tomorrow as well.

I made my travel plans for the Holidays today.  I was pleasantly surprised that airfares were relatively reasonable.  I would have expected more of a premium on travel during the last couple of weeks of the year.  Thankfully - not so.

Part of the trip includes visits with my mom in Dallas and my son in Austin.  Speaking of my son - he turns 25 years old a week before Christmas.  That's a quarter century!  Omigod.  How can that be?  Anyway - so many things to achieve and so little time.  The key for me is to make sure to include a healthy dose of quality "Donna" time.  And, I have.

Speaking of Donna Time, one thing I've said in the past that perhaps needs to be reiterated is that I'm fairly careful about the things I choose to share here in my blog.  I've learned many lessons over the years about being TOO forthcoming on some things.  That said, I've learned that I sometimes wear my emotions on my sleeve and they come out here.  I suppose what I'm saying is that I have come to enjoy this outlet for my thoughts and experiences but what I share here is NOT all there is.  Nuff said.

Kudos to Lana Lawless on helping the LPGA become more inclusive.  Here's an article from the NY Times:
“She can compete if she can qualify,” Kerr said. “We certainly don’t want to discriminate against anybody; that’s not what the L.P.G.A. is about. And if she can qualify, she’ll be able to play.”

The L.P.G.A.’s policy shift follows similar changes made by other sports bodies to allow transgender athletes to compete, including the International Olympic Committee, the United States Golf Association, the Ladies Golf Union in Britain and the Ladies European Golf Tour.

The N.C.A.A. has also said that it is reviewing its policies regarding transgender athletes. A member of the George Washington women’s basketball team, Kye Allums, came out this season as a transgender man. Allums has been permitted to play on the women’s team because he has not undergone hormone treatments or sexual reassignment surgery.

Dolan said the L.P.G.A. players’ decision reached beyond golf. “I think it’s a victory for the transgender community,” he said, “and that hopefully other women won’t have to go through this just to have the right to play golf or any other sport.”

Read the story here

There are three important things in this snippet. First is the recognition that Lana first needs to qualify to participate. She's not asking for anything special. Second, is recognition that the clause that specifically prevented her from competing was discriminatory. And third is the fact that this decision does indeed reach beyond golf.

Special recognition goes to Lana for all the hateful crap she's had to deal with.  She's been under attack from every knuckle dragger who's still stuck in the 1970's.  She's also facing some/many in the trans community who somehow feel that she shouldn't compete.  I've said before and I'll reiterate that I'll respect that opinion however I don't and won't share it.  Expect more from me on this in upcoming weeks....

Lastly for tonight - where I'm living now has one of those large LED TV's and it's just amazing to watch.  Good thing I don't have much time for TV.  It's so visually stimulating that it just could become addicting.  :)

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