Thursday, May 31, 2012


As I noted in my last entry - Perfect doesn't last long.  It's back to the day-to-day mechanics that are my life.  Not that there's anything wrong with's just not....well, perfect.

Here in Charleston they have a big arts festival each year called the Spoleto Arts Festival.  It's a combination of music, theater, dance, and all kinds of anything in between.  Performers range from national acts (KD Lang is here this year) to people you've never heard of, and venues cover the entire city of Charleston.  It's actually pretty impressive, and people come from all over the world both to perform and attend.

Last night Ellie and I went to see our first performance.  It was titled "The Animals and Children Took To The Streets" (see info here).

I have no words to explain it, other than that it was unique, entertaining, and enjoyable.  If you watch the video you'll get an idea of just how unique it was...

We've got tickets to other events, as well.  Between the pedicab guy (Eric rocks), drinks at one of our favorite downtown "spots", and dessert afterwards it was a wonderful evening.

Oh - I took another picture of me in the new truck.  It was on my way downtown - after work.  Not quite as cranky as the last photo of me that I shared but feeling severely overweight.  After that last push for wrestling I've gone to the other extreme - not worrying about what I'm eating, I haven't been the the gym in weeks, I go for a couple of runs a week but that's it.  I've decided that I'm done lifting weights other than to tone in hopes of getting my arms and shoulders back to something less scary....

Do you ever think about death?  I do. I find it interesting that the moment you admit that people start to worry so I'll start by assuring that there's no need for anyone to worry.

We have a cultural wall against death, as though even letting thoughts of it creep into your head sends out some kind of negative energy.  But for the life of me I don't know how we can think about life without also recognizing death.  That's what puts it all into context.

When I say I think about death I don't think about dying so much as just not being here anymore and making the most of the time left.  I think I could argue convincingly that much of our lifetimes are spent coming to grips with the transient nature of life, and that whether we're prepared or not all of us run out of tomorrows.  I don't consider that to be morose, or even necessarily sad.  It's just the way it is. 

I don't really think about why I seem to think about it more these days than I used to.  Perhaps it has to do with my own age - I see people my age dying and more.  Part of it is probably because I've got friends dealing with the impending passing of a parent or a loved one.  Every time I say good-bye to my mom I wonder if it's the last time we'll see one another.  Maybe it has something to do with Father's Day and missing my own dad.  I could assign a number of potential "reasons" to it but I don't see that as productive. 

Anyway, on to other topics.  Like my truck.

So, we drove the truck down to Florida and back over the weekend so we've gotten to know one another a bit.  I'm still loving her.  The thing that will take some time is learning where her boundaries are.  In my other cars I could tell where the end of the trunk was, or whether or not I could make it thru a tight squeeze.  I don't have that yet with this massive thing.  I find myself getting out to assess whether or not I'm too far forward in a parking spot, or whether I'm straight.  Anyway - it'll come eventually.

I remember going through a similar process with my body as it changed.  As hips expanded and breasts grew I'd find myself bumping into things.  It was actually kind of fascinating....

That's it for today.  Nothing too deep - except the "Death" thing.  :)


Sophie Lynne said...

That's the thing about death- once you make peace with it, it holds no fear.

The hard part is making peace with it. Especially when your life isn't what you need it to be.

The average person passes from living memory in 75 years. So many people want to be remembered- to achieve some sort of immortality that biology doesn't give them. Even passing on our genetics to offspring isn't true immortality so to speak, but it's the closest we have.

Immortality comes from deeds: great or infamous.

Anonymous said...

Buddhism says, in order to understand life, you have to understand death

Nam myoho renge kyo

Anonymous said...

Hot picture, Donna!