Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I'm on my bed, letting whatever is going on outside happen while I hope it's better before morning.  It has been fascinating watching The Weather Channel as this storm has been making its way across the country.

I needed to scrape a layer of ice off my car before driving it to work this morning but whatever happened last night was just an appetizer and most of today was the lull before the storm.  It was actually kind of eerie walking thru downtown Harrisburg knowing that the storm was already crushing parts of Oklahoma and Indiana and Illinois and it was only a matter of hours before it would get here.

Back "home" in Rochester they're expecting the worst tonight and tomorrow - upwards of 2 feet of snow. Down here in Harrisburg we're apparently on the cusp of the snow/ice/rain boundary so anything could happen.  When I left work to drive home this evening it was drizzling and 31 degrees.  I'm thankful that the drive is only 3 miles.  Right now it's 29 degrees - not much different.

They're predicting upwards of a quarter of an inch of ice on things by morning.  If so, it could be worse. I lived through an ice storm in Rochester in 1991 that rocked my world.  We were without power for 13 days and neighborhoods looked like they had been hit by artillery.  It was amazing.

As I mentioned yesterday I'm scheduled to fly to Minneapolis tomorrow to attend Creating Change.  Our original flights were scheduled to go thru Chicago, which was an obvious impossibility given the path of this storm.  I called this morning and was able to re-book our flights through Charlotte so that's done.  It's supposed to be rainy and warm there tomorrow.

The big question mark is what the roads will be like to get to the airport by noon.  And, any delay in leaving here could very well cause us to miss our connection.  But we're locked and loaded to go so tomorrow will bring what tomorrow will bring.  All we can do is hope.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I experienced a horrific ice storm here in central Virginia, back in the mid 90's, and it was just the worst! Inches of ice on the roof, and trees broken down everywhere! Power was out for nearly a week, so I had to seek refuge in a motel, to get a shower and stay warm.

I hope your conditions aren't that bad.

Take care sweetie!
Melissa XX

My assessment of the stupid SNL skit mirrored yours.